San Myanmar Unicode
Using Language Identifiers RFC 3. Wondershare Data Recovery Serial Key. Language identifiers as specified by. RFC 3. 06. 6, can have the form. The guidelines for choosing between language and language country are ambiguous. To clarify which form should be used, John Cowan and I have posted this list for review. This is currently a draft document. It will be continually revised as we get feedback from. Although, I have a day job, so allow some time for me turn. The topic is being discussed on the. W3. C www international. Ri4k/UMcgZEKM_PI/AAAAAAAAAMw/CyvETmbbE9k/s400/getimage.gif' alt='San Myanmar Unicode' title='San Myanmar Unicode' />IETF. The feedback thread starts www international 2. Oct. Dec 0. 13. 1. This page is intended to list combinations of language code and country. Download crunch wordlist generator for free. Crunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify. Lopica All Things Web Start Web Start Paradise Web Start Encyclopedia. Chinese font archive. The fonts are simply called tt1, tt13, tt2, tt201f, tt202f, tt203a, tt205a, tt205f, tt207f, tt208c, tt208d, tt208f, tt30, tt39. Please write the authors if you think either that there is no. There are a number of suggestions for deciding whether to use a one level language only or two level. Challenges Being A Train Driver. San Myanmar Unicode' title='San Myanmar Unicode' />They require some discussion and will be added here shortly. Language codes used as primary subtags are from ISO 6. Country codes used as secondary subtags or tertiary if script tags are secondary. Note also that several unique language tags are also defined in the. Aung San Suu Kyi in birmano s s t, semplificato asn. Yangon, 19 giugno 1945 una politica birmana, attiva da molti. IANA Language Tag Registry. Script codes, generally 4 letters in length, such as Hans for Simplified Chinese, Hant for Traditonal Chinese, Cyrl for Cyrillic, etc. ISO 1. 59. 24 Codes For The Representation Of Names Of Scripts. DRAFTProposed List of 1 level Language Identifiers. Some languages have no significant variations, and. Quickbooks 2003 Free Download there. We would like to clarify which languages are in this category. Proposed List of 2 level Language Identifiers. A5ZK3a4LfNg/Ul7OjiCRbnI/AAAAAAAAEKM/IpyUjpHk74g/s1600/AlphaZawgyi2008.jpg' alt='San Myanmar Unicode' title='San Myanmar Unicode' />Some languages differ by region and therefore a language subtag and country subtag. Note that depending on the purpose or intended audience of the content, a very precise label. For example, using en for this page may be sufficient instead of en US. Introduction to the Burmese Language by Naing Tinnyuntpu. Myanmar Language Learning materials with MP3 audio and PDF. Send fake, spoofed, anonymous text SMS worldwide with customizable Sender ID. Spoof texting sms service available for free trial. Hnh chnh Chnh ph Nh nc n nht Cng ha i ngh Tng thng Htin Kyaw C vn nh nc Aung San Suu Kyi Ph Tng. If the tag is being used with an. John Cowan provided the original data for this list. The list has since been amended based on suggestions from a number of folks and considerable research. Table Legend. In the following table, the language codes are. For example, en US English, U. S. Tags will look different. Their appearance is as follows ISO 6. IANA registry tagsdeprecated tagsproposed RFC 3. Region. Code. Region Name. LanguagesFormat Tag Language Name, Region NamenoneNo region assignedeo Esperantoia Interlinguaie Interlingueio Idovo VolapkADAndorraca Catalanfr AD FrenchAEUnited Arab Emiratesar AE ArabicAFAfghanistanfa AF Persianps Pushtoug Uighuruz AF UzbekAGAntigua And Barbudaen AG EnglishAIAnguillaen AI EnglishALAlbaniasq AlbanianAMArmeniahy ArmenianANNetherlands Antillesnl AN DutchAOAngolakg Kongokj Kuanyamapt AO PortugueseARArgentinacy AR Welshes AR Spanishgn GuaraniASAmerican Samoaen AS Englishsm SamoanATAustriade AT Germanhu HungarianAUAustraliaen AU EnglishYI YiddishAWArubanl AW DutchAXland Islandssv AX SwedishAZAzerbaijanav Avaricaz Azerbaijaniaz Arab Azerbaijaniaz Cyrl Azerbaijaniaz Latn Azerbaijanios OssetianBABosnia And Herzegovinabs Bosnianhr BA Croatiansr BA SerbianBBBarbadosen BB EnglishBDBangladeshbn BD BengaliBEBelgiumde BE Germanen BE Englishfr BE Frenchnl BE Dutchwa Walloonyi YiddishBFBurkina Fasobm Bambarafr BF Frenchha HausaBGBulgariabg Bulgariancu Church Slavictr BG TurkishBHBahrainar BH ArabicBIBurundifr BI Frenchrn RundiBJBeninfr BJ FrenchBMBermudaen BM EnglishBNBrunei Darussalamen BN Englishms BN MalayBOBoliviaay Aymaraes BO SpanishBRBrazilpt BR PortugueseBSBahamasen BS EnglishBTBhutandz Dzongkhane NepaliBWBotswanaen BW Englishsn Shonatn BW TswanaBYBelarusbe Belarusiancu Church Slavicyi YiddishBZBelizeen BZ EnglishCACanadacr Creeen CA Englishfr CA Frenchiu Inuktitutoj Ojibwayi YiddishCCCocos Keeling Islandsms CC MalayCDCongo, The Democratic Republic Of Thefr CD Frenchkg Kongoln CD Lingalalu Luba KatangaCFCentral African Republicfr CF Frenchsg SangoCGCongofr CG Frenchkg Kongoln CG LingalaCHSwitzerlandde CH Germanfr CH Frenchit CH Italianrm Raeto RomanceCICte Divoireak Akanbm Bambarafr CI FrenchCKCook Islandsen CK EnglishCLChileay Aymaraes CL SpanishCMCameroonen CM Englishfr CM FrenchCNChinabo Tibetani hak Hakkaii Sichuan Yiza Zhuangzh CN Chinesezh gan Chinesezh guoyu Chinesezh hakka Chinesezh Hans Chinesezh Hans CN Chinesezh Hant Chinesezh Hant CN Chinesezh wuu Chinesezh xiang Chinesezh yue ChineseCOColombiaes CO SpanishCRCosta Ricaes CR SpanishCSSerbia And Montenegrocu Church Slavichu Hungariansq Albaniansr Serbiansr Cyrl Serbiansr Latn SerbianCUCubaes CU SpanishCVCape Verdept CV PortugueseCXChristmas Islandms CC Malay,Cocos Keeling IslandsCYCyprusel CY Greektr CY TurkishCZCzech Republiccs CzechDEGermanyda DE Danishda DE Danishde 1. Germande 1. 99. Germande AT 1. Germande AT 1. Germande CH 1. Germande CH 1. Germande DE Germande DE 1.