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Example2. 9 Example3. Example3. 1 Example3. Example3. 3 Example3. Example3. 5 Example3. Example3. 7 Example3. Example3. 9 Example4. Extracto de lighttpd. Example4. 1 Lanzando oyentes Fast. CGIExample4. 2 Conexin a instancias de php fastcgi remotas. Example4. 3 Ejemplo de instalacin de paquete de Open. BSDExample4. 4 Ejemplo de Instalacin en Debian con Apache 2. Example4. 5 Deteniendo e iniciando Apache una vez que PHP est instalado. Example4. 6 Mtodos para listar paquetes relacionados con PHP 5. Example4. 7 Instalar PHP con My. SQL, c. URLExample4. Configuracin recomendada de Win. Cache. Example4. Configuracin recomendada de Win. Cache. Example5. Linea de rdenes para configurar IIS y PHPExample5. PHP 5 paquete de estructura. Example5. 2 Configuracin CGI y Fast. CGI en php. ini. Example5. Configuracin de la extensin Fast. CGI para manejar las solicitudes de PHPExample5. Configuracin del fichero de los permisos de acceso. Example5. 5 Configuracin Fast. CGI y reciclaje PHPExample5. Configuracin de los ajustes de tiempo de espera Fast. CGIExample5. 7 Cambiar la ubicacin del fichero php. Example5. 8 CGI y Fast. CGI en la configuracin php. Example5. 9 Creacin del proceso del grupo IIS Fast. CGIExample6. 0 Creacin de mapas manejador de peticiones PHPExample6. La determinacin de la cuenta utilizada como IIS identidad annima. Example6. 2 Configuracin de archivo de los permisos de acceso. Example6. 3 Establecer index. IISExample6. 4 Configuracin de PHP Fast. CGI y el reciclaje. Example6. 5 Configuracin de los ajustes de tiempo de espera Fast. CGIExample6. 6 Cambiar la ubicacin del fichero php. Example6. 7 PHP como mdulo de Apache 1. Example6. 8 PHP y Apache 1. CGIExample6. 9 PHP and Apache 2. Example7. 0 Example7. PHP y Apache 2. x como CGIExample7. Configurar Apache para ejecutar PHP como Fast. CGIExample7. 3 Configuracion de Sambar ISAPIExample7. Habilitar la extensin B PHP Windows. Example7. Registro de cambios. Example7. 6 Pasando variables de entorno y ajustando las configuraciones de PHP por grupos. Example7. 7 Establecer ajustes PHP en nginx. Example7. 8 llamada a phpinfo. Example7. 9 Variables de entorno de php. Example8. 0 Ejemplo de php. Example8. 1 Ejemplo de configuracin de Apache. Example8. 2 Salida avanzada usando condiciones. Example8. 3 Etiquetas de apertura y de cierre de PHPExample8. Literales de nmeros enteros. Example8. 5 Desbordamiento de enteros en sistemas de 3. Example8. 6 Desbordamiento de enteros en sistemas de 6. Example8. 7 Ejemplo no vlido. Example8. 8 Ejemplo de entrecomillado de string en Heredoc. Example8. 9 Ejemplo de Heredoc en argumentos. Example9. 0 Usar Heredoc para inicializar valores estticos. Example9. 1 Emplear comillas dobles en Heredoc. Example9. 2 Ejemplo de entrecomillado de string de Nowdoc. Example9. 3 Ejemplo de datos estticos. Example9. 4 Ejemplo de sintaxis simple. Example9. 5 Algunos ejemplos de string. Example9. 6 Diferencias entre PHP 5. PHP 5. 4. Example9. Un array simple. Example9. Ejemplo de amoldamiento de tipo y sobrescritura. Example9. 9 Claves mixtas integer y string. Example1. 00 Arrays indexados sin clave. Example1. 01 Claves no en todos los elementos. Example1. 02 Acceso a elementos de un array. Example1. 03 Hacer referencia al resultado array de funciones. Example1. 04 Uso de arrayExample1. Coleccin. Example1. Cambiando elemento en el bucle. Example1. 07 ndice con base 1. Example1. 08 Llenado de un array. Example1. 09 Ordenado de un array. Example1. 10 Arrays recursivos y multi dimensionales. Example1. 11 Ejemplo de de tipo de parmetro iterable. Example1. 12 Ejemplo de valor predeterminado de un parmetro iterable. Example1. 13 Ejemplo de tipo de retorno iterable. Example1. 14 Ejemplo de tipo de retorno de generadro iterable. Example1. 15 Ejemplo de varianza del tipo iterable. Example1. 16 Ejemplos de funciones de llamadas de retorno. Example1. 17 Ejemplo de retrollamada utilizando un cierre. Example1. 18 Valores predeterminados en variables sin inicializar. Example1. 19 Uso de global. Example1. 20 Uso de GLOBALS en lugar de global. Example1. 21 Ejemplo que demuestra las superglobales y el mbito. Example1. 22 Ejemplo que demuestra la necesidad de variables. Example1. 23 Ejemplo del uso de variables estticas. Example1. 24 Variables estticas con funciones recursivas. Example1. 25 Declaracin de variables estticas. Example1. 26 Ejemplo de propiedad variable. Example1. 27 Un formulario HTML sencillo. Example1. 28 Acceso a datos de un formulario HTML sencillo con POSTExample1. Old methods of accessing user input. Example1. 30 Variables de formulario ms complejas. Example1. 31 Un ejemplo de setcookie. Example1. 32 Nombres de constantes correctos e incorrectos. Example1. 33 Definicin de constantes. Example1. 34 Definicin de constantes usando el la palabra reservada const. Example1. 35 Asociatividad. Example1. 36 Orden de evaluacin no definido. Example1. 37, y. Example1. Asignacin por referencia. Example1. 39 Operaciones AND, OR y XOR bit a bit sobre integers. Example1. 40 Operaciones XOR bit a bit sobre strings. Example1. 41 Desplazamiento de bits sobre integers. Example1. 42 Comparacin booleannull. Example1. 43 Transcripcin de la comparacin estndar de arrays. Example1. 44 Asignacin de un valor predeterminado. Example1. 45 Comportamiento Ternario poco obvio. Example1. 46 Operaciones aritmticas sobre variables de caracteres. Example1. 47 Los operadores lgicos ilustrados. Example1. 48 Comparando arrays. Example1. 49 Utilizando instanceof con clases. Example1. 50 Utilizando instanceof con clases heredadas. Example1. 51 Utilizando instanceof para verificar si un objeto no es una. Example1. 52 Utilizando instanceof para la clase. Example1. 53 Utilizando instanceof con otras variables. Example1. 54 Usar instanceof para comprobar otras variables. Example1. 55 Evitando bsquedas del nombre de clase y errores fatales con instanceof en PHP 5. Example1. 56 Estructura switch. Example1. 57 Estrutura switch permite el uso de strings. Example1. 58 Ejemplo de uso del tick. Example1. 59 Ejemplo de uso de ticks. Example1. 60 Declarando un encoding para el script. Example1. 61 Ejemplo bsico de include. Example1. 62 Incluyendo dentro de funciones. Example1. 63 include por medio de HTTPExample1. Comparando el valor de retorno de include. Inkjet printing Wikipedia. Inkjet printing is a type of computer printing that recreates a digital image by propelling droplets of ink onto paper, plastic, or other substrates. Inkjet printers are the most commonly used type of printer,2 and range from small inexpensive consumer models to expensive professional machines. The concept of inkjet printing originated in the 2. Starting in the late 1. Epson, Hewlett Packard HP, and Canon. Sakar Digital Camera Driver Download. In the worldwide consumer market, four manufacturers account for the majority of inkjet printer sales Canon, HP, Epson, and Brother. The emerging ink jet material deposition market also uses inkjet technologies, typically printheads using piezoelectric crystals, to deposit materials directly on substrates. The technology has been extended and the ink can now also comprise living cells,3 for creating biosensors and for tissue engineering. There are two main technologies in use in contemporary inkjet printers continuous CIJ and Drop on demand DOD. Continuous inkjeteditThe continuous inkjet CIJ method is used commercially for marking and coding of products and packages. In 1. 86. 7, Lord Kelvin patented the syphon recorder, which recorded telegraph signals as a continuous trace on paper using an ink jet nozzle deflected by a magnetic coil. The first commercial devices medical strip chart recorders were introduced in 1. Siemens. 4In CIJ technology, a high pressure pump directs liquid ink from a reservoir through a gunbody and a microscopic nozzle, creating a continuous stream of ink droplets via the Plateau Rayleigh instability. A piezoelectric crystal creates an acoustic wave as it vibrates within the gunbody and causes the stream of liquid to break into droplets at regular intervals 6. The ink droplets are subjected to an electrostatic field created by a charging electrode as they form the field varies according to the degree of drop deflection desired. This results in a controlled, variable electrostatic charge on each droplet. Charged droplets are separated by one or more uncharged guard droplets to minimize electrostatic repulsion between neighbouring droplets. The charged droplets pass through another electrostatic field and are directed deflected by electrostatic deflection plates to print on the receptor material substrate, or allowed to continue on undeflected to a collection gutter for re use. The more highly charged droplets are deflected to a greater degree. Only a small fraction of the droplets is used to print, the majority being recycled. CIJ is one of the oldest ink jet technologies in use and is fairly mature. The major advantages are the very high velocity 2. Another advantage is freedom from nozzle clogging as the jet is always in use, therefore allowing volatile solvents such as ketones and alcohols to be employed, giving the ink the ability to bite into the substrate and dry quickly. The ink system requires active solvent regulation to counter solvent evaporation during the time of flight time between nozzle ejection and gutter recycling, and from the venting process whereby air that is drawn into the gutter along with the unused drops is vented from the reservoir. Viscosity is monitored and a solvent or solvent blend is added to counteract solvent loss. Drop on demandeditDrop on demand DOD is divided into thermal DOD and piezoelectric DOD. Thermal DODedit. A Canon inkjet with CMYK cartridges. Most consumer inkjet printers, including those from Canon FINE, Hewlett Packard, and Lexmark, use the thermal inkjet process. The idea of using thermal excitation to move tiny drops of ink was developed independently by two groups at roughly the same time John Vaught and a team at Hewlett Packards Corvallis Division, and Canon engineer Ichiro Endo. Initially, in 1. 97. Endos team was trying to use the piezoelectric effect to move ink out of the nozzle but noticed that ink shot out of a syringe when it was accidentally heated with a soldering iron. Vaughts work started in late 1. The team at HP found that thin film resistors could produce enough heat to fire an ink droplet. Two years later the HP and Canon teams found out about each others work. In the thermal inkjet process, the print cartridges consist of a series of tiny chambers, each containing a heater, all of which are constructed by photolithography. To eject a droplet from each chamber, a pulse of current is passed through the heating element causing a rapid vaporization of the ink in the chamber and forming a bubble, which causes a large pressure increase, propelling a droplet of ink onto the paper hence Canons trade name of Bubble Jet. The inks surface tension, as well as the condensation and resultant contraction of the vapor bubble, pulls a further charge of ink into the chamber through a narrow channel attached to an ink reservoir. The inks involved are usually water based and use either pigments or dyes as the colorant. The inks must have a volatile component to form the vapor bubble otherwise droplet ejection cannot occur. As no special materials are required, the print head is generally cheaper to produce than in other inkjet technologies. Piezoelectric DODedit. Piezoelectric printing nozzle of an EPSON C2. Most commercial and industrial inkjet printers and some consumer printers those produced by Epson and Brother Industries use a piezoelectric material in an ink filled chamber behind each nozzle instead of a heating element. When a voltage is applied, the piezoelectric material changes shape, generating a pressure pulse in the fluid, which forces a droplet of ink from the nozzle. Piezoelectric also called Piezo inkjet allows a wider variety of inks than thermal inkjet as there is no requirement for a volatile component, and no issue with kogation buildup of ink residue, but the print heads are more expensive to manufacture due to the use of piezoelectric material usually PZT, lead zirconium titanate. A DOD process uses software that directs the heads to apply between zero and eight droplets of ink per dot, only where needed. Piezo inkjet technology is often used on production lines to mark products. For instance, the use before date is often applied to products with this technique in this application the head is stationary and the product moves past. Requirements of this application are high speed, a long service life, a relatively large gap between the print head and the substrate, and low operating cost. Ink formulationseditThe basic problem with inkjet inks is the conflicting requirements for a coloring agent that will stay on the surface vs. Desktop inkjet printers, as used in offices or at home, tend to use aqueous inks based on a mixture of water, glycol and dyes or pigments. These inks are inexpensive to manufacture, but are difficult to control on the surface of media, often requiring specially coated media. HP inks contain sulfonated polyazo black dye commonly used for dyeing leather, nitrates and other compounds. Aqueous inks are mainly used in printers with thermal inkjet heads, as these heads require water to perform. While aqueous inks often provide the broadest color gamut and most vivid color, most are not waterproof without specialized coating or lamination after printing. Most Dye based inks, while usually the least expensive, are subject to rapid fading when exposed to light or ozone.