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IDSERP,5304. 1Supported clients and devices Configuration Manager. Learn which operating systems System Center Configuration Manager supports for clients and devices. This function module is called during PO change in Ariba. The call to this function module is from WebMethods. The function module performs custom validations. Standard Include for Selection Screen. INCLUDE bdcrecx. 1. Internal Table for Upload Data. DATA BEGIN OF ipr OCCURS 0, sno3, SNo bsart0. PR Type epstp0. Item Category knttp0. Account Assignment eeind0. Delivery Date lpein0. Category of Del Date werks0. Plant lgort0. Storage Location ekgrp0. Purchasing Group matkl0. Material Group bednr0. Tracking No afnam0. Requisitioner matnr0. Material No menge0. Quantity preis0. Valuation Price waers0. Currency peinh0. GL Account kostl0. Cost Center END OF ipr. Internal Table for header Data. DATA BEGIN OF itheader OCCURS 0, sno3, SNo bsart0. PR Type epstp0. Item Category knttp0. Account Assignment eeind0. Delivery Date werks0. Plant lgort0. Storage Location ekgrp0. Purchasing Group matkl0. Material Group bednr0. Tracking No afnam0. Requisitioner END OF itheader. Emergency 4 Portuguese Mod on this page. Internal Table for Item Data. DATA BEGIN OF ititem OCCURS 0, sno3, SNo matnr0. Material No menge0. Quantity preis0. Valuation Price sakto0. GL Account kostl0. Cost Center END OF ititem. Data Variables Constants. CONSTANTS cx VALUE X. Flag. DATA vl2, Counter vrowno5, Row No v22, Counter vrows LIKE sy srows, Rows in TC vfield4. String. PARAMETERS pfile LIKE ibipparms path. Filename. At selection screen on Value Request for file Name. AT SELECTION SCREEN ON VALUE REQUEST FOR pfile. Full Version Pc Games Compressed on this page. Get the F4 Values for the File CALL FUNCTION F4FILENAME EXPORTING programname syst cprog dynpronumber syst dynnr IMPORTING filename pfile. START OF SELECTION. PERFORM opengroup. Upload the File into internal Table CALL FUNCTION UPLOAD EXPORTING filename pfile filetype DAT TABLES datatab ipr EXCEPTIONS conversionerror 1 invalidtablewidth 2 invalidtype 3 nobatch 4 unknownerror 5 guirefusefiletransfer 6 OTHERS 7. IF sy subrc lt 0. MESSAGE ID SY MSGID TYPE SY MSGTY NUMBER SY MSGNO WITH SY MSGV1 SY MSGV2 SY MSGV3 SY MSGV4. ENDIF. SORT ipr BY sno. LOOP AT ipr. MOVE CORRESPONDING ipr TO ititem. APPEND ititem. CLEAR ititem. AT END OF sno. READ TABLE ipr INDEX sy tabix. MOVE CORRESPONDING ipr TO itheader. APPEND itheader. CLEAR itheader. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. SORT itheader BY sno. SORT ititem BY sno. Upload the Data from Internal Table LOOP AT itheader. PERFORM bdcdynpro USING SAPMM0. B 0. 10. 0. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCCURSOR EBAN BEDNR. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE 0. PERFORM bdcfield USING EBAN BSART itheader bsart. PERFORM bdcfield USING RM0. B EPSTP itheader epstp. PERFORM bdcfield USING EBAN KNTTP itheader knttp. PERFORM bdcfield USING RM0. B EEIND itheader eeind. PERFORM bdcfield USING RM0. B LPEIN itheader lpein. PERFORM bdcfield USING EBAN WERKS itheader werks. PERFORM bdcfield USING EBAN LGORT itheader lgort. PERFORM bdcfield USING EBAN EKGRP itheader ekgrp. PERFORM bdcfield USING EBAN MATKL itheader matkl. PERFORM bdcfield USING EBAN BEDNR itheader bednr. PERFORM bdcfield USING EBAN AFNAM itheader afnam. As the screen is showing 1. LOOP AT ititem WHERE sno itheader sno. IF vl 1. 4. IF v2 1. From second time onwards it is displaying 1. PERFORM bdcdynpro USING SAPMM0. B 0. 10. 6. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCCURSOR RM0. B BNFPO. PERFORM bdcfield USING RM0. B BNFPO vrowno. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE 0. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE 0. Mathematica 8 Keygen Activation Key. ELSE. V2 initialized to 1. PERFORM bdcdynpro USING SAPMM0. B 0. 10. 6. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCCURSOR RM0. B BNFPO. PERFORM bdcfield USING RM0. B BNFPO vrowno. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE 0. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE 0. ENDIF. ENDIF. PERFORM bdcdynpro USING SAPMM0. B 0. 10. 6. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE 0. CLEAR vfield. CONCATENATE EBAN MATNR vl INTO vfield. PERFORM bdcfield USING vfield ititem matnr. CLEAR vfield. CONCATENATE EBAN MENGE vl INTO vfield. PERFORM bdcfield USING vfield ititem menge. PERFORM bdcdynpro USING SAPMM0. B 0. 10. 2. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCCURSOR EBAN PREIS. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE 0. PERFORM bdcfield USING EBAN PREIS ititem preis. PERFORM bdcdynpro USING SAPMM0. B 0. 50. 5. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCCURSOR EBKN SAKTO. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE ENTE. PERFORM bdcfield USING EBKN SAKTO ititem sakto. PERFORM bdcdynpro USING SAPLKACB 0. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCCURSOR COBL KOSTL. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE ENTE. PERFORM bdcfield USING COBL KOSTL ititem kostl. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE ENTE. ENDLOOP. PERFORM bdcdynpro USING SAPMM0. B 0. 10. 6. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCCURSOR RM0. B BNFPO. PERFORM bdcfield USING BDCOKCODE BU. PERFORM bdctransaction USING ME5. ENDLOOP. PERFORM closegroup. See the doc. How to deal with table control step loop in BDCSteploop and table contol is inevitable in certain transactions. When we run BDC for such transactions, we will face the situation how many visible lines of steplooptablecontrol are on the screen Although we can always find certain method to deal with it, such as function code NP, POPO, considering some extreme situation there is only one line visible one the screen, our BDC program should display an error message. See transaction ME2. NPNow with the help of Poonam on sapfans. I find a method with which we can determine the number of visible lines on Transaction Screen from our Calling BDC program. Maybe it is useless to you, but I think it will give your some idea. Demo ABAP code has two purposes 1. BDC program, please pay special attention to the difference in Static ASSIGN and Dynamic ASSIGN. Now I begin to describe the step to implement my method I use transaction ME2. Call Transation Using. Step. This means except these 9 lines, all the other line is for step loop. Then have a look at steploop itselp, one entry of it will occupy two lines. Be careful, for table control, the head and the bottom scroll bar will possess another two fixed lines, and there is a maximum number for table lineNow we have Fixed. Line 9. Loop. Line 2for table control, Loop. Line is always equal to 1Step. ME2. 1 to see how it roll page, in ME2. Now we have First.