Sql Cl Program Iseries
AS4. 00 Tutorials Sometimes I get asked, out of all my offerings whats what and how do the pieces fit together. So lets break it down. If you are new to the AS4. IBM i world maybe youre an new system administrator, operator, programmer, manager, what have you. And you need to get up to speed fast. On the best method to GET large stream files with FTP from a UNIX system to an iSeries system, Marilyn, from Connecticut wroteI have a problem where Im. You want to know how to get your system to startup, make sure jobs, printers and backups move smoothly along day after day. Youll also want to learn about the object file system, jobs and subsystems, printers and output queues, system messages, and TCPIP connectivity. If want help with that, then check out my Power System Jump Start. That course covers the essential tasks every administrator needs to know. A little known bonus about the Power System Jump Start course is that I update it from time to time. And your automatically upgraded to the latest and greatest version of the course. Pretty cool, huh Write Reports the Fast and Easy Way. Now, lets talk about data and reports. An IBM i is built around a database system so at some point youll want to get at that data. Code400 is an open source experiment in RPGLE, SQLRPGLE, CLLE, PHP, MYSQL for the IBMi Iseries AS400. The site host a forum and tools to upload source samples. Target convert a SQL statement to an EXCEL file. Characteristics RPG and CL only, no JAVA. What will not do Write data back to the DB2. I have a problem with a certain file and need to reference all programs that use this file. Is there a command or cross reference I can run to locates. It might be a report, just to look at data, or you might want to change data in tables modify tables, or create your own tables. For that, I think the best tool is SQL. ITKE/uploads/blogs.dir/254/files/2013/04/RPGLE-Example.png' alt='Sql Cl Program Iseries' title='Sql Cl Program Iseries' />Many of you acted on the special recently and learning how to use SQL. Thats great SQL opens up doors for getting things done quickly and easily on your system. Learn more information or download free trial of HiT Softwares data access middleware software drivers for ODBC for IBM i, AS400, iSeries, System I, i5. SQL vs. DDS The good, the bad and the downright ugly. Licensed Installed Program Status Description 5770TS1 COMPATIBLE IBM Transform Services for i 5770TS1 OMPATIBLE Transforms AFP to PDF Transform. Dear IBM i Pro, First of all, thanks for taking the time out to read my blog posts and emails I really appreciate it. Your comments, emails, and feedback mean the. Figure03.jpg' alt='Sql Cl Program Iseries' title='Sql Cl Program Iseries' />But heres what makes learning SQL many times more valuable its portable. You can take your SQL skills on the IBM i and, with small tweaks, use it on other platforms like My. SQL, SQL Server, Oracle or basically any other database system. To get started with SQL today, youll want to check this site out http www. Now, that leaves custom reports. At some point youll HAVE to write a custom report. And if you dont have a reporting program already, two good alternatives exist. Heres what I hate about third party reporting packages theyre usually not made for power users so they are larded up with features and a bunch of screens that actually slow you down. But for quick reports and queries, SQL alone will get the job done probably 6. You just start up an interactive SQL session and change the output to a spool file run the SQL statement and youre done. If you have SQL statements you run often, store them in a Source Physical File and then you can call them up quickly with the RUNSQLSTM command. But, for the other 4. Query4. 00 and Query Manager are good choices. Query4. 00 is a bit old school but it works really well. Query Manager is not as well known, but you probably already have it installed and licensed on your system. Many people do and dont even realize it. A HUGE difference between them is the use of SQL. Query4. 00 doesnt use SQL, and Query Manager does that means Query Manager can faster because it uses the modern SQL engine on the system. For more about writing Query4. IBM i Query reports, go here http www. To get started with Query Manager, youll want to check this out http www. And at just 3. 3, my Query Manager course is the bargain of the century A note about those courses Im going to merge them together into one big report writing course very soon and the price will very probably go up. Pc Game Conflict Global Storm Download. So get it NOW while its a bargain deal. How to Write Your Own Custom Programs. Conceptdraw Pro 9 Full Crack on this page. Finally writing programs. Game 1000'>Game 1000. Writing custom RPG programs is when my knowledge of the system really took off. When coding, you start to learn more about the DB2 database, the system, how its structured and just commands in general. Most folks write native programs on the platform with the RPG and CL languages. CL, or Control Language, really creates programs using commands. But it does have features for logic, variables, looping and control like youd expect in a programming language. When you want to start automating tasks on your system, CL is a good place to start. RPG is a natural step if you want to write native type programs. Its really good for making detailed reports that need lots of logic. And if you want to write green screen programs, RPG along with DDS is the way to go. If your into web apps, then PHP is available. I dont yet have any programming courses but I keep hearing from you that youd like one. So watch this space. Ill probably start with a CL course and go from there based on your feedback. Until then, Ill recommend Bryan Meyers and Judi Yeagers book Programming in RPG IV. Its how I learned RPG III and RPG IV. And I spent many late nights at work after hours, going through that book to learn RPG IV. And you can find copies of that book on Amazon. How IBM i Skills Become Second Nature. When you pick up one of my courses youll discover they are accelerated training. As an IT professional, I get that youre busy. You dont have time to wade through a thousand page manual to find a command. And forget about trying to follow a BORING audio recording an audio might work for a Dr. Deyer self help program but audio is not for hands on technical tasks where you learn best by doing. My courses shortcut the process. They make use of live video tasks being done on an actual AS4. IBM i system. Dont you just HATE it when you read something in a book, try to repeat what the author did, and discover theres a mistake or typo and it doesnt work. Youre left scratching your head, and completely frustrated. And its not like the publisher sends you a revised copy. In fact, your lucky if they even have a forum where the author might might possibly poke in to fix publishing or editing mistakes. Ive eliminated all that hassle and frustration with the step by step videos and you see this especially in the SQL Course where being precise matters you see how its done. Nothing is left out. You can trust what youre learning works, and you can prove that it works by repeating the same EXACT SAME thing on your own system. My Best, John Andersen. Tags AS4. 00 DB2 Query4. Run SQL statements automatically with RUNSQLSTMSTRSQL is a powerful and useful interactive tool in the right hands but it can be cumbersome to retrieve previous SQL statements, modify them and then run them again all the while hoping there are no typos. If you find yourself frequently entering the same SQL commands why not save them to a text file and automate the process I like to save the SQL statements in a source file named qtxtsrc. Once saved the SQL can be executed from a CL containing the RUNSQLSTM command. In this example two inventory file field definitions were reversed during an upgrade and the data had to be swapped mapped correctly during the process. This can be accomplished with one SQL statement. Note that there is no need for messy work fields that might otherwise be used when coding the same solution in RPG. Step 1. Create the text type source member. Contents of the source member sqlfswap saved as a text file update datalibinvenpf set field. Step 2. Create CL member sqlfswapcl ADDLIBLE mylib MONMSG msgidcpf. RUNSQLSTM srcfilemylibqtxtsrc srcmbrsqlfswap MONMSG msgidcpf. Step 3. Run the CL and check your results. Of course the CL can be set up on the job scheduler wrkjobscde if your application needs to be run automatically at specified intervals and multiple sql statements can be added into the same text source member.