How To Use A Microsoft Sql Server Linked Server To Access Db2
How to create a SQL Server link server to IBM DB2. Problem. Creating linked servers is generally a pretty easy thing to do, but the creation of a link server with DB2 is not as simple. To create a linked server to DB2, it requires the SQL DBA to know or guess a lot of parameters that are not familiar or intuitive. In this tip we will walk through the process of setting iup a linked server to DB2. Solution. In order to successfully create a link server with DB2, you need to download and install Microsoft OLDB Provider for DB2. The easiest way to create the link server is to use the Data Access Tool application, which comes with the Microsoft OLDB Provider for DB2 driver installation. In addition, I recommend that you ask for assistance from your DB2 DBA. The Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Feature Pack is a collection of standalone packages which provide additional value for SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1. Alexander Chigrik compares SQL Server 2000 with Microsoft Access regarding price, platforms supported, features, and product limits. Useful free and paid utilities and tools for Microsoft SQL Server complete list of 213 Utilities. I have an MS SQL Server 2008 Express system which contains a database that I would like to copy and rename for testing purposes but I am unaware of a simple way. How To Use A Microsoft Sql Server Linked Server To Access Db2' title='How To Use A Microsoft Sql Server Linked Server To Access Db2' />Data Access Tool. The Data Access tool is very easy to use. As soon as the application is launched, click on File New Data Source and it will show the following screen. Unless the DB2 source platform is known you may need to consult with the DB2 DBA to assist in picking the correct platform. In the next step, enter the DB2 IP address and TCP port used to connect to DB2. In the next screen enter the Initial catalog database you want to connect to, the Package Collection, the Default schema and Default qualifier. Again, if you are unsure consult your DB2 DBA. JPG' alt='How To Use A Microsoft Sql Server Linked Server To Access Db2' title='How To Use A Microsoft Sql Server Linked Server To Access Db2' />The Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack is a collection of standalone packages which provide additional value for Microsoft SQL Server 2012. What are the advantages of using Access as the front end to a SQL Server database For starters, its likely that your clients users will be more familiar with it. Configuring Connection from SQL Server to Oracle using Linked Server SQL Server Linked Servers technology allows you to access nonSQL Server databases from a SQL. Below are the steps to get a PostgreSQL linked server working in SQL Server 2005 64bit. Run WindowsServer2003. WindowsXPKB948459v2x64ENU. Available as of 4. Here is another set of parameters that are required to connect to DB2. If you are unsure which options to select, consult your DB2 DBA. Pro Deo 1.6. In the next input window we enter the DB2 user that will be used to impersonate our SQL User. This DB2 user will need to have appropriate access rights to DB2 and this user will need to be created by the DB2 DBA. On this screen additional options can be selected. For more information on any of these items, you can click on the Help button. At the end of the wizard, click on Connect to verify if we have connectivity with DB2. If so, click on Sample Query to make sure we can successfully query DB2. Creates a linked server. A linked server allows for access to distributed, heterogeneous queries against OLE DB data sources. After a linked server is created by. If we have successfully tested connectivity, we are now ready to create our SQL to DB2 link server. Right click on the newly created data source and click on Display Connection String. In my case the connection string looks like the following ProviderDB2. OLEDB User IDdb. Passwordmypassword Initial Catalogmydatabase Network Transport LibraryTCP Host CCSID3. PC Code Page1. 20. Network Address1. Network Port4. 46 Package CollectionMSDB2. COL Process Binary as CharacterFalse Connect Timeout1. Units of WorkRUW DBMS PlatformDB2MVS Defer PrepareFalse Rowset Cache Size0 Max Pool Size1. Persist Security InfoTrue Connection PoolingTrue Derive ParametersFalse Create Linked Server. Finally, we can start the link server wizard. Right click on Linked Servers and select New Linked Server. On the New Linked Server window, the linked server can be any name. The provider has to be Microsoft OLDB Provider for DB2. Feeding Frenzy 2 Yahoo Games. Enter product name as DB2. OLDB. In catalog, copy and paste the connection string that was created. On the Security page, select be made by using this security context and enter the DB2 user name and password. If everything works fine we should be able to see our DB2 link server as shown below. Next Steps. Last Update 2. About the author. Matteo Lorini is a DBA and has been working in IT since 1. He specializes in SQL Server and also has knowledge of My. SQL. View all my tips.